Battle Event - 9th November 2007

This event was held using version 4.1 of the battle framework.

Entrants and Results

Round 1 Round 2 Round 3 Total
Owner Name Language Placing Points Placing Points Placing Points Points Placing
Andy T Destroyer C# 3rd 6 7th 3rd 6 12 5th
Cameron Chongy Pull My Finger C++ 7th 3rd 6 6th 6 6th
Cliff The Clanger MkII C# 6th 5th 2 7th 2 7th
Jim Space Invader JavaScript 1st 10 1st 10 5th 2 22 1st
Matt C Flatulator Ruby 2nd 8 2nd 8 4th 4 20 2nd
Saxon Penfold C++ 5th 2 4th 4 2nd 8 14 3rd
Steve S Illuminator C++ 4th 4 6th 1st 10 14 3rd

Jim's Space Invader (281KB) won overall, but was very closely followed by a new entry in this round, Matt C's "Flatulator".


Log files from each round, including who bought what equipment, and what taunt messages were sent.

Round 1
Round 2
Round 3


Round 1

Round 2

Round 3