Battle Event - 6th December 2007

This event was held using version 4.2 of the battle framework.

Entrants and Results

Round 1 Round 2 Round 3 Total
Owner Name Language Placing Points Placing Points Placing Points Points Placing
Cameron Chongy Pull My Finger C++ 4th 4 2nd 8 3rd 6 18 3rd
Dave H Xipe C# 6th 7th 5th 2 2 6th
Jim Space Invader JavaScript 7th 5th 2 6th 2 6th
Marcus The Strafer v2.0 C# 5th 2 4th 4 7th 6 5th
Matt C Flatulator Ruby 2nd 8 6th 4th 4 12 4th
Saxon Penfold C++ 3rd 6 3rd 6 2nd 8 20 2nd
Stephen S Illuminator 2.0 C++ 1st 10 1st 10 1st 10 30 1st

Stephen's Illuminator 2.0 (42KB) won convincingly, placing first in all three rounds.


Log files from each round, including who bought what equipment, and what taunt messages were sent.

Round 1
Round 2
Round 3


Round 1

Round 2

Round 3